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Local Tamous Tea
  Green Rock Tea
  Lobster Tea
  Tian Cong Mao Jian Tea
  Suoxi Mao Jian
  Zeng Mount Mao Jian
  Moon Rock Tea

Green Rock Tea

    A Kind of famous tea both in Wulingyuan and in China. It looks graceful and tastes wonderful while being made in boiling water.

Lobster Tea

    It is made from MOuntain Mao Jian Tea and lobster flower. It is rich in amine acid and tastes worderful.

Tian Cong Mao Jian Tea

    It has a long history and was tributed to emperos of Ming and Qing Dynasty.It has a chilly taste.

Suoxi Mao Jian

    It is a local tea in Suoxiyu and is made in traditional ways.It has a thick taste.

Zeng Mount Mao Jian

    It grows on the peak of Zeng Mount.which faces the east.The tea trees are bathed in the early sunshine as well as the fog.It looks like rice and tastes sweet.

Moon Rock Tea

    It grows in the Moon Rock Village in Wulingyuan. This villa has a history of 400  years for planting tea trees.

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