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Wild Fruits Of Zhangjiajie
  Golden Fragrant Pomelo
  Chinese Chestmitm Point Chestnut,Dafang chestunt
  Mountain Fruit

Golden Fragrant Pomelo

    It is among the five kinds of famous pomelos in China, It grows mature one month before most pomelos do.It weighs half a kilogram each, It tastes sweet.

Chinese Chestmitm Point Chestnut,Dafang chestunt

    Chinese Chestunt and point Chestunt belong to beech. The main constituent of their fruit are starch and sugar.Dafang Chestunt is nutritious.Its seeds produce more oil than teaoil trees do. Dafang Chestnut is one of the favorite fruits for macaque.


    It grows mostly along Suoxi of Wulingyuan and in regions near Wulingyuan. When it is ripe,the bigest weighs up to 400grams. It tastes sweet.

Mountain Fruit

    Wulingyuan abunds in wild fruits.They are both various ,In January of Lunar year ,there is sabingling fruit;in February,there is bangnai fruit ;in March,there is fresh berry;in April ,there is loquat ;in May ,there is cherry;in june,there is mountain peach; in July, there is wild peach; in July, there is wild pear;in August,there is Kivi fruit;in September ,there is Chinses chestunt and wild lichee;during winter days ,there is persimmon.

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