Itinerary B
Choice tour Routes          

Itinerary B Ten-day Tour In Whole Hunan Province

Date Itinerary and Programs

    1st day Expecting Guests in Changsha(Stay in Changsha)

    2nd day Changsha to Heng Mountain , by bus for three hours after breakfast to Heng Mountain ,one of the five famous mountains in China , visiting Zhonglie Temple , Half-Way Mountain Pavillion , Zhurong Peak with ancient path , poem and historic sites as its features(Stay in Heng Mountain )

    3rd day Heng Mountain via shaoshan to changsha by bus after breakfast, visting chairman Mao'sFormer Residence, Water-dripping Cave, Huaming Tower, Vice Chairman Liushaoqi's Residence (Stay in Changsha)

    4th day Changsha to Yueyang city by bus after brerkfast visiting Yueyang Tower , Dongting Lake, the biggest lake of fresh water in China, paying respects to Buddha on Junshan Island (Stay in Yueyang )

     5th day Yueyang to Changsha , visiting Mahuangdui Maseum with a woman's corpse of one tousand years old, Yuelu Academy of Classical Learning, one of the four ancient academies in China(Stay in Changsha)

     6th day Changsha to Changde , sightseeting in Peach Blossom Garden (Stay in Changde)

     7th day Changde to Zhang Jiajie viewing Yellow Dragon Cave (Stay in Suoxi Valley)

    8th day Baofeng Lake , Tianzi Mountain (Stay in Suiraosi men)

     9th day Golden Whip Stream , Yellow Lion Village in Zhang Jiajie Forest Park. (in the city)

     10th day Stopping in city, leaving.

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